Each week hosts Dave Anthony and Josh Olson watch and then discuss an episode of The West Wing.
And when you're done, join us on our new podcast, The Audit on ...
The West Wing Thing is finished! Come check out our new thing, The Audit! https://the.levernews.com/podcasts/#the-audit
Special Appendix Episode - What's the deal with Louise Mensch? w/Special Guest Arthur Tiersky
Enough people asked us for the whole story, so here it is - Josh & Dave's full history with Vladimir Putin's most fearsome foe.
THE GRAND FINALE w/Very Special Guest Briahna Joy Gray
We did it. We finished it, and we're not dead.
It's finally here!
The one you've been waiting for! Will it live up to your expectations?
Institutional Memory w/Special Guests Nima Shirazi & Adam Johnson from Citations Needed
With only one episode left to go, the boys are joined by the hosts of one of the very great Citations Needed to enjoy the cast's bout with senior-itis. Will CJ stay on at the White House or go on to make a fortune helping a billionaire whitewash his reputation? And will he or won't he? Time is running out for Bartlett to pardon Toby. Plus - Havinq vanquished the K-Hive, we turn our attention to Ana Kasparian.
Each week hosts Dave Anthony and Josh Olson watch and then discuss an episode of The West Wing.
And when you're done, join us on our new podcast, The Audit on The Lever
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