Justin Brierley | The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God
Justin is a freelance writer, speaker and broadcaster who has become known for creating dialogues between Christians and non-Christians. He is passionate about creating conversations around faith, science, theology and culture, hosted the Unbelievable? podcast, and currently hosts Re-enchanting podcast.
The Birth Of A Nation (2)
Joel explores how God shaped Israel into His treasured people through the Law, the wilderness, and His presence—lessons that can still shape us today.
The Birth Of A Nation (1)
Diving into the book of Exodus, Peter looks at what we can learn from the life of Moses. Like Moses, each of us have a part to play in God's story, but to do so, we must learn to be a people who trust in God.
Seed Of Promise (1)
Pete explores Genesis 12-50 and the incredible journey of faith, promise, and obedience through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, revealing how God's grace calls us to radical trust and blessing.
The Fall
Peter looks at the fall of humanity in Genesis, highlighting how sin introduced fear, shame, and rebellion into the world, while revealing God's relentless pursuit of reconciliation through His mercy and promise of redemption.