A quarterly podcast where two Nuffield Scholars - James Smith, a fifth-generation farmer, and Ben Taylor-Davies, an agroecologist, chat about all things regener...
Ben and James are joined by Antony Yousefian, partner at The First Thirty, a company that's aim is to regenerate 30m hectares by 2030. We cover a lot of ground in this one - vertical farming, quantifying the ecological footprint, biodiversity net gain and the role of AI in agriculture. Links mentioned:https://www.tft.vc/ - The First Thirty websitehttps://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/60f02799e90e0764d2837899/Dasgupta_Response__web_July.pdf - The Economics of Biodiversity: TheDasgupta Review
Intern Goals...
In this episode, Ben and James chat with Townsend Farm's summer intern about biodiversity, French agroecology, composting and how to dig a circle. Make sure to check Loddington Farm's Instagram page to see the stunning silo in all its glory...
Strawberry Fields (or tables) Forever...
In this episode, Ben and James chat to Marion Regan, fourth generation 'guvnor' of Hugh Lowe Farms in Kent, about robots, Wimbledon, lacewings and how they continue to grow soft fruit sustainably in an increasingly unpredictable social, economic and environmental climate.
The Long Road to Greggs...
In this episode, James and Ben talk to Andy Cato from Wildfarmed about the company's mission to fix food to fix the planet, and how he believes we can farm in nature's image while comfortably feeding everyone. Inspiring stuff!
10th Episode Special!
In this episode, instead of chatting to another farmer James meets with Ben's long-suffering wife, Helen, and Ben wasn't there so they could say what they want! It's easy to forget that behind most stressed-out farmers there is a calm and collected husband or wife supporting them while they work long hours, hatch crazy plans and, in James and Ben's case, talk about soil. A Lot.
A quarterly podcast where two Nuffield Scholars - James Smith, a fifth-generation farmer, and Ben Taylor-Davies, an agroecologist, chat about all things regenerative farming, rewilding, biodiversity, soil health and more, occasionally joined by special guests from the field (no pun intended). Music: "He Tried To Be A Poet" by One Man Book, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective - imlcollective.uk.