Listen to The Rooted Podcast for in-depth conversations about the Bible and how we can apply it to our lives. Join the team behind Rooted, Bible Society's devot...
Should conflict always be avoided? – Proverbs E5 with Rachel Jones
What challenges do we face in applying God’s wisdom about conflict today? How can we pray about conflicts, war, peace and reconciliation?In this episode, we’re joined by special guest Rachel Jones to discuss what Proverbs says about conflict. We explore various aspects of conflict we experience today, whether that's in personal relationships at home, work and church, in our wider communities, or on an international scale. Proverbs says much about avoiding conflict, but we also consider whether there are times when it’s necessary.The conversation touches on different causes of conflict such as pride, greed and injustice, and highlights the wisdom we find in Proverbs and the New Testament to help us resolve conflict and restore relationships. We finish by asking how we can pray about conflict and share the message of hope we have as Christians.Timestamps(00:00) - Intro and welcome to Rachel Jones
(02:00) - Proverbs about conflict
(03:45) - What do we mean by conflict?
(05:20) - Conflict on social media
(07:30) - Conflict in churches
(11:45) - What makes a person quarrelsome?
(16:42) - When should we confront people?
(21:52) - The importance of dealing with conflict quickly
(23:07) - Personal vs international conflict
(24:37) - The impact of the 24-hour news cycle
(31:07) - How can we pray about conflict?
Rooted:Rooted is our devotional journal that helps make the Bible available to everyone, everywhere. Every other month, you’ll receive a new 80-page journal filled with insightful devotionals, thought-provoking prompts, and lots of opportunities to reflect, journal and be creative. Sign up today to receive your first journal for free.Send us your questions!We'd love to hear from you.Submit your questionBible Society:The Rooted Podcast is brought to you by Bible Society, a Christian organisation that translates, publishes, and distributes the Bible. We communicate its relevance and invite people to experience the transforming power of the Scriptures in today’s world. Visit our website to find out more.Bible Society socials: FacebookInstagramX (formerly Twitter) Disclaimer: This is a Bible Society podcast, but it’s also a conversation between people exploring the Bible together. We won’t get everything right, and we won’t always agree! Please be patient with us and join us on the journey.#Proverbs #Wisdom #Conflict #BiblicalConflict #ChristianLiving #ChristianPodcast
Should Christians ever lie? – Proverbs E4 with Stuart Ford
What does Proverbs say about honesty, integrity and lying?In this episode Mark is joined by Stuart Ford to discuss how Proverbs deals with the themes of honesty and integrity. They explore various proverbs related to lying and false witness, considering the complex moral implications of dishonesty – in personal relationships and in society. They tackle the challenging question of whether lying is always wrong.The conversation touches on the cost of integrity, the realities of living in a fallen world and biblical accounts where people lie, yet God still uses those situations to further his purposes. They finish with a discussion about the high standards we’re called to keep and the need for us to have a unified character of honesty and humility in order to reflect God’s nature in every situation.Timestamps(00:00) - Intro
(01:45) - Proverbs about lying and integrity
(03:10) - What is a lie? False witness and the Ten Commandments
(08:57) - Is lying always wrong?
(13:12) - Matching our character to Jesus'
(17:47) - Examples of lying in the Bible
(21:27) - The need for honesty and integrity in leadership
(26:11) - How do we live with integrity?
Rooted:Rooted is our devotional journal that helps make the Bible available to everyone, everywhere. Every other month, you’ll receive a new 80-page journal filled with insightful devotionals, thought-provoking prompts, and lots of opportunities to reflect, journal and be creative. Sign up today to receive your first journal for free.Send us your questions!We'd love to hear from you.Submit your questionBible Society:The Rooted Podcast is brought to you by Bible Society, a Christian organisation that translates, publishes, and distributes the Bible. We communicate its relevance and invite people to experience the transforming power of the Scriptures in today’s world. Visit our website to find out more.Bible Society socials: FacebookInstagramX (formerly Twitter) Disclaimer: This is a Bible Society podcast, but it’s also a conversation between people exploring the Bible together. We won’t get everything right, and we won’t always agree! Please be patient with us and join us on the journey.#Proverbs #Wisdom #Lying #LyingInTheBible #Honesty #Integrity #WisdomLiterature #ChristianLiving #ChristianPodcast
What does Proverbs say about wealth? – Proverbs E3 with Liam Thatcher
How does Proverbs challenge our view of money and what we should do with it? In this episode, along with special guest Liam Thatcher, we delve into the theme of wealth as presented in the Book of Proverbs. First we think about how we define wealth today, particularly in the West, and consider how this compares to an understanding of wealth in biblical times. Then we discuss how money and abundance are presented in Proverbs and the principles it provides about how to honour God with our wealth.We explore the challenges Proverbs issues to both the wealthy and those experiencing poverty. We discuss generosity, living in a way that supports communal flourishing, and the biblical principles that guide us in our financial stewardship.Timestamps(00:00) - Intro
(02:00) - What is wealth? Modern day vs biblical times
(09:50) - The principle of first fruits
(12:20) - How Proverbs challenges the extremes of wealth: Proverbs 30.7–10
(14:20) - Proverbs that challenge those with wealth
(18:50) - What does it look like to wisely steward wealth?
(23:34) - Our mindset towards giving to the poor
(34:04) - How Proverbs challenges those experiencing poverty
Rooted:Rooted is our devotional journal that helps make the Bible available to everyone, everywhere. Every other month, you’ll receive a new 80-page journal filled with insightful devotionals, thought-provoking prompts, and lots of opportunities to reflect, journal and be creative. Sign up today to receive your first journal for free.Send us your questions!We'd love to hear from you.Submit your questionBible Society:The Rooted Podcast is brought to you by Bible Society, a Christian organisation that translates, publishes, and distributes the Bible. We communicate its relevance and invite people to experience the transforming power of the Scriptures in today’s world. Visit our website to find out more.Bible Society socials: FacebookInstagramX (formerly Twitter) Disclaimer: This is a Bible Society podcast, but it’s also a conversation between people exploring the Bible together. We won’t get everything right, and we won’t always agree! Please be patient with us and join us on the journey.#Proverbs #Wisdom #BiblicalWealth #BiblicalWisdom #MoneyInTheBible #WisdomLiterature #ChristianLiving #ChristianPodcast
Wisdom personified – Proverbs E2
Why is wisdom personified as a woman in Proverbs? This episode opens with a discussion about different ways wisdom is portrayed in Proverbs. We look at wisdom’s personification as a woman, considering the power of this literary device in its original context, whether it is partly a marriage metaphor and how it connects back to Genesis 1 and a design pattern established in creation.We explore three passages from Proverbs chapters 1, 3 and 8 to unpack their meaning. What is our responsibility to accept Wisdom’s call and what happens when we reject it? How do we desire wisdom above material wealth and how does this link to Jesus’ call in the Gospels to value the Kingdom of God above all else? What was the role of wisdom in creation and what does this mean for us?Timestamps(00:00) - Intro
(01:55) - How is wisdom personified?
(05:30) - Why is wisdom a woman in Proverbs?
(10:40) - Exploring Adam and Eve archetypes in Proverbs
(15:02) - Proverbs 1.20–33: a warning about rejecting Wisdom’s call
(23:19) - Proverbs 3.13–18: desiring wisdom over material wealth
(27:49) - Choosing wisdom: now vs eternity
(31:34) - Proverbs 8.22–31: wisdom in creation
Rooted:Rooted is our devotional journal that helps make the Bible available to everyone, everywhere. Every other month, you’ll receive a new 80-page journal filled with insightful devotionals, thought-provoking prompts, and lots of opportunities to reflect, journal and be creative. Sign up today to receive your first journal for free.Send us your questions!We'd love to hear from you.Submit your questionBible Society:The Rooted Podcast is brought to you by Bible Society, a Christian organisation that translates, publishes, and distributes the Bible. We communicate its relevance and invite people to experience the transforming power of the Scriptures in today’s world. Visit our website to find out more.Bible Society socials: FacebookInstagramX (formerly Twitter) Disclaimer: This is a Bible Society podcast, but it’s also a conversation between people exploring the Bible together. We won’t get everything right, and we won’t always agree! Please be patient with us and join us on the journey.#Proverbs #Wisdom #BiblicalWisdom #WisdomPersonified #WisdomLiterature #ChristianLiving #ChristianPodcast
What is wisdom in the Bible? – Proverbs E1
What does it mean to have wisdom? Why should we pursue it and how can we put it into practice?In this episode, we explore how wisdom is presented in the Bible. With particular reference to Proverbs, we discuss the contrast between biblical wisdom and current ideas about self-help. We look at the relationship between age, experience and wisdom, and how wisdom is passed on. We discuss the need to see wisdom modelled in community and explore how Jesus both taught and embodied wisdom. We ask whether the proverbs should be read as general guiding principles or direct promises from God. The conversation closes with thoughts about the superior value of wisdom and character over head knowledge, as well as the uniquely hopeful message Christians have for people asking how to live well today.Timestamps(00:00) - Intro
(01:00) - Introducing Proverbs
(02:00) - What is wisdom in the Bible?
(04:30) - Godly wisdom vs self-help
(07:00) - Wisdom literature in the Bible
(11:25) - Does wisdom only come with age?
(22:49) - Wisdom in the New Testament
(28:14) - Wisdom is about God communicating
(29:29) - Are proverbs meant to be promises?
(34:14) - Wisdom and character over mere head knowledge
Rooted:Rooted is our devotional journal that helps make the Bible available to everyone, everywhere. Every other month, you’ll receive a new 80-page journal filled with insightful devotionals, thought-provoking prompts, and lots of opportunities to reflect, journal and be creative. Sign up today to receive your first journal for free.Send us your questions!We'd love to hear from you.Submit your questionBible Society:The Rooted Podcast is brought to you by Bible Society, a Christian organisation that translates, publishes, and distributes the Bible. We communicate its relevance and invite people to experience the transforming power of the Scriptures in today’s world. Visit our website to find out more.Bible Society socials: FacebookInstagramX (formerly Twitter) Disclaimer: This is a Bible Society podcast, but it’s also a conversation between people exploring the Bible together. We won’t get everything right, and we won’t always agree! Please be patient with us and join us on the journey.#Proverbs #Wisdom #BiblicalWisdom #WisdomVsSelfHelp #WisdomLiterature #ChristianLiving #ChristianPodcast
Listen to The Rooted Podcast for in-depth conversations about the Bible and how we can apply it to our lives. Join the team behind Rooted, Bible Society's devotional journal, as we dig deeper into a theme or book of the Bible in each series and explore its message for us today.