Breaking Free from Eating Disorders // J.John interviews Di Archer on Facing the Canon
J.John speaks with Di Archer, CEO of tastelife UK about eating disorders and providing tools for recovery for those who struggle with them.tastelife UK:
J.John in NYC // Heavenly Perspective
J.John encourages us to look in 5 different directions to gain a heavenly perspective on life. Today's message was recorded at Times Square Church in New York.
J.John in NYC // Lazarus
J.John unpacks the story of the raising of Lazarus and explains how it applies to our lives. Today's message was recorded at Times Square Church in New York.
J.John in NYC // The Invitation
J.John unpacks the meaning of John 3:16 in the Bible and explains that Christianity is an invitation. Today's message was recorded at Times Square Church in New York.
just10 // SESSION TEN How to Live by Priorities
Finally, we have arrived at the beginning, at the heart of the commandments: the great rule that we are to have no other gods but the one true and living God. As the sun lies at the centre of the solar system and has planets orbiting around it, so all the other commandments revolve around the first commandment. How do we really put God first in our lives?