The show that brings Christian women from all backgrounds together as award-winning authors Alana Terry and Jaime Hampton discuss what it means to be a woman of...
359 Learning To Pray Cyclically: Embracing the ebb and Flow of seasons, hormones, and change
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Your prayer life was never meant to be static. Your life, moods and energy levels are ever-changing, and if you keep the same expectations and methods for prayer every day, you're going to come away disappointed and discouraged.
On this week's episode of the Praying Christian Women podcast we discuss the different cycles and seasons of life, and teach you how to harness these natural rhythms to find deeper meaning, connection, and empowerment in your prayer life!
358 Rest For the Weary Spirit: Praying Through Psalm 11
Don't forget to grab your free scripture journal today!Are you tired of being spiritually weary? You've come to the right place! Join us for a time of prayer, reflection and meditation.Leave the baggage of your day behind you and come away refreshed, renewed, and reconnected to God as we explore Psalm 11.
357 Prayers That Give Birth: Creating what didn't previously exist with our prayers
**We have exciting news!**Our new book She Prays Like a Girl: Discover the Joy and Power of Praying Like You (and No One Else) is available for preorder! Get your copy today at *Trigger warning for our listeners: This episode contains prayer analogies pertaining to childbirth, including stillbirth, premature birth and miscarriage. What do prayer and childbirth have in common? You might be surprised! Regardless of your ability or desire to have biological children, as a woman you possess a life-giving energy and purpose that can be channeled into your prayer life. In this episode, we use pregnancy, labor, and childbirth to illustrate the unique power women have to conceive ideas and prayers that can change the world, encouraging you to pray boldly and trust in God's process along the way.
356 Rest For the Weary Spirit: Praying Through Psalm 10
Don't forget to grab your free scripture journal at today!
Are you tired of being spiritually weary? You've come to the right place! Join us for a time of prayer, reflection and meditation.
Leave the baggage of your day behind you and come away refreshed, renewed, and reconnected to God .
If you need a reminder that God is on the throne in spite of injustices observed in the world around you, take a little time out of your day for encouragement, prayer and praise as we explore Psalm 10.
355 Prayer and Communication Styles: Discover your own unique prayer voice
Grab your free scripture journal at today!What's your communication style? If you're not sure, you might want to tune in to this week's episode of the Praying Christian Women Podcast where we talk about how the unique ways we communicate as women can translate to our prayer lives. We discuss whether women pray differently than men, talk through some of the differences in verbal and non-verbal communication, and encourage you to discover and lean into your God-given communication style to live out a more powerful prayer life.
The show that brings Christian women from all backgrounds together as award-winning authors Alana Terry and Jaime Hampton discuss what it means to be a woman of prayer in the 21st century.
Whether you’re brand new to the faith or have been a believer for decades, the Praying Christian Women podcast brings you biblical encouragement and inspiration (as well as an abundance of practical tips and easy-to-implement suggestions) to deepen your prayer life.