Welcome to my podcast, tits, tums and all things mum. Motherhood is fun isn’t it? Forever covered in bodily fluids, never time for a pee in peace let alone a ho...
“If you don’t laugh in motherhood, you’ll cry” with Alyssa- The Funny Mummy
WARNING! This podcast contains explicit content from graphic mum life moments to profanities, rants and a whole load of laughs. Not for tiny ears!In this episode I chat with the hilarious Alyssa- The Funny Mummy about the shit show that is motherhood! Think you can take on Stroller Speedway? Drop me a DM on Instagram and we will get you booked in! TRIGGER WARNING- gross stuff!!! Host- Lottie Instagram-www.instagram.com/alittlebitoflottieGuest- Alyssawww.instagram.com/thefunnymummyukIf you enjoyed this episode please don't forget to subscribe, download and leave a review on your listening platform.Thanks for listening!Podcast sponsored by Cover My Bubble- affordable family life insurance- https://www.covermybubble.co.ukPodcast produced by https://www.cheekymonkeyvideos.co.uk To watch this episode head to https://www.youtube.com/@AllThingsMumPodcast
RANK BANK SPECIAL! “I like the smell of my own vagina”
WARNING! This podcast contains explicit content from graphic mum life moments to profanities, rants and a whole load of laughs. Not for tiny ears!It’s the RANK BANK SPECIAL!! Every few months I’m going to host one of these and here is the first one. From Bonnie Blue to rank bank stories and “we listen and we don’t judge”, this episode will surely have you laughing and possibly gagging! Think you can take on Stroller Speedway? Drop me a DM on Instagram and we will get you booked in! TRIGGER WARNING- gross stuff!!! Host- Lottie Instagram-www.instagram.com/alittlebitoflottieGuest- Jade www.instagram.com/the.giftinghubIf you enjoyed this episode please don't forget to subscribe, download and leave a review on your listening platform.Thanks for listening!Podcast sponsored by Cover My Bubble- affordable family life insurance- https://www.covermybubble.co.ukPodcast produced by https://www.cheekymonkeyvideos.co.uk To watch this episode head to https://www.youtube.com/@AllThingsMumPodcast
VALENTINE’S SPECIAL. Healthy relationships and keeping the spark alive
WARNING! This podcast contains explicit content from graphic mum life moments to profanities, rants and a whole load of laughs. Not for tiny ears!In this episode I chat with my first ever COUPLE! Nichole and Ben talk about healthy relationships and how to keep the spark alive after having kids. Think you can take on Stroller Speedway? Drop me a DM on Instagram and we will get you booked in! TRIGGER WARNING-Host- Lottie Instagram-www.instagram.com/alittlebitoflottieGuest- Nichole and Ben www.instagram.com/nichole.farrowIf you enjoyed this episode please don't forget to subscribe, download and leave a review on your listening platform.Thanks for listening!Podcast sponsored by Cover My Bubble- affordable family life insurance- https://www.covermybubble.co.ukPodcast produced by https://www.cheekymonkeyvideos.co.uk To watch this episode head to https://www.youtube.com/@AllThingsMumPodcast
C-section grief and a spermy jellyfish with my BFF Jade
WARNING! This podcast contains explicit content from graphic mum life moments to profanities, rants and a whole load of laughs. Not for tiny ears!In this episode I chat with my bestie about the grief that she has from having two c-sections and not having had a natural labour and vaginal birth. We also have the most DISGUSTING rank bank story!! Think you can take on Stroller Speedway? Drop me a DM on Instagram and we will get you booked in! TRIGGER WARNING- C-section grief, depression Host- Lottie Instagram-www.instagram.com/alittlebitoflottieGuest- Jade www.instagram.com/the.giftinghubIf you enjoyed this episode please don't forget to subscribe, download and leave a review on your listening platform.Thanks for listening!Podcast sponsored by Cover My Bubble- affordable family life insurance- https://www.covermybubble.co.ukPodcast produced by https://www.cheekymonkeyvideos.co.uk To watch this episode head to https://www.youtube.com/@AllThingsMumPodcast
“My son ate a button battery and nearly died” with Hollie- Badly Behaved Mum
WARNING! This podcast contains explicit content from graphic mum life moments to profanities, rants and a whole load of laughs. Not for tiny ears!In this episode I chat with the lovely Hollie about her sons story of eating a button battery and coming close to death. Hollie is now raising awareness and changing policies with button companies to prevent anyone else from going through what she did. Think you can take on Stroller Speedway? Drop me a DM on Instagram and we will get you booked in! TRIGGER WARNING- child death Host- Lottie Instagram-www.instagram.com/alittlebitoflottieGuest- Hollie www.instagram.com/badly_behaved_mum If you enjoyed this episode please don't forget to subscribe, download and leave a review on your listening platform.Thanks for listening!Podcast sponsored by Cover My Bubble- affordable family life insurance- https://www.covermybubble.co.ukPodcast produced by https://www.cheekymonkeyvideos.co.uk To watch this episode head to https://www.youtube.com/@AllThingsMumPodcast
Welcome to my podcast, tits, tums and all things mum. Motherhood is fun isn’t it? Forever covered in bodily fluids, never time for a pee in peace let alone a hot cuppa and then there’s the joys of toddler tantrums! It’s a good job those little toe rags are cute! This podcast is a judgement free digital space where my guests and I will discuss the realities of modern motherhood and normalise the normal mum. My guests and I are going to be real, candid and unfiltered so come on in and join us on tits, tums and all things mum.