Learn German | Deutsch lernen | ExpertlyGerman Podcast
DE: Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen.
EN: Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. Learn German Naturally...
#192 - C1 Level German - Wow, If You Know These Words | Advanced German Vocabulary
Improve your German with my membership: https://bit.ly/4jrJPIJ
Schreibe in die Kommentare deine Punktzahl. Hast du 10 von 10 oder 6 von 10? Und keine Sorge, wenn du nicht alle Wörter kanntest, Spaß am Lernen und Sprechen ist doch das Wichtigste.
About me:
Hi, I'm Tom
I'm originally from Berlin and also lived on the countryside nearby.
Studied Business Administration in Berlin.
Moved to New York City to work for a family office.
Later, I studied Finance in Lisbon while teaching German part-time.
Worked in Finance in London after that.
Had enough and travelled around the world for six months.
Came back and launched ExpertlyGerman.
Five years on, I’m helping countless people and enjoying it more than I ever expected.
My mission is to help people worldwide to discover the German language and get to know the German culture in an authentic way.
You can also join my 📚 Free Weekly Newsletter: https://bit.ly/MYNWSLTR
#191 - Bundestagswahl - Wichtige Vokabeln zum Deutschlernen (B2/C1)
Lass uns zusammen einige Vokabeln zum Thema Wahlen erkunden.
Build a weekly habit with my membership. Check out my membership and become a member: https://expertlygerman.com/membership-options/
Erhalte interaktive Übungen, Vokabellisten und mehr zu jeder Podcast-Episode. Hier geht's zu meiner Mitgliedschaft 💪: https://expertlygerman.com/2025/01/24/191-bundestagswahl-wichtige-vokabeln-zum-deutschlernen-b2-c1/
You can also join my:
🗣️ Conversation Club, apply here: https://expertlygerman.com/group-classes/
📚 Free Weekly Newsletter: https://bit.ly/MYNWSLTR
📺 Free YouTube subscription: https://bit.ly/YTHME
My mission is to help people worldwide to discover the German language and get to know the German culture in an authentic way.
#190 - Einen Termin vereinbaren | Make an appointment
Stelle dir vor, du bist beim Zahnarzt und kannst ganz ohne Probleme und Verwirrung einen Termin vereinbaren oder verschieben. Ich hoffe, dass ich dir mit diesem Video dabei helfen kann.
Build a weekly habit with my membership. Check out my membership and become a member: https://expertlygerman.com/membership-options/
Erhalte interaktive Übungen, Vokabellisten und mehr zu jeder Podcast-Episode. Hier geht's zu meiner Mitgliedschaft 💪: https://expertlygerman.com/2025/01/15/190-einen-termin-vereinbaren/
You can also join my:
🗣️ Conversation Club, apply here: https://expertlygerman.com/group-classes/
📚 Free Weekly Newsletter: https://bit.ly/MYNWSLTR
📺 Free YouTube subscription: https://bit.ly/YTHME
My mission is to help people worldwide to discover the German language and get to know the German culture in an authentic way.
# 189 - Mut, Tapferkeit, Courage
Wer wagt, gewinnt. So lautet ein Sprichwort. In dieser Episode setzen wir uns mit einigen Wörtern zum Thema Mut auseinander.
Build a weekly habit with my membership. Check out my membership and become a member: https://expertlygerman.com/membership-options/
Erhalte interaktive Übungen, Vokabellisten und mehr zu jeder Podcast-Episode. Hier geht's zu meiner Mitgliedschaft 💪: https://expertlygerman.com/2025/01/11/episode-189-mut-tapferkeit-courage/
You can also join my:
🗣️ Conversation Club, apply here: https://expertlygerman.com/group-classes/
📚 Free Weekly Newsletter: https://bit.ly/MYNWSLTR
📺 Free YouTube subscription: https://bit.ly/YTHME
My mission is to help people worldwide to discover the German language and get to know the German culture in an authentic way.
#188 - Vokabeln zum Thema Baustelle ⛏🚧👷♂️
Build a weekly habit with my membership. Check out my membership and become a member: https://expertlygerman.com/membership-options/
Erhalte interaktive Übungen, Vokabellisten und mehr zu jeder Podcast-Episode. Hier geht's zu meiner Mitgliedschaft 💪: https://expertlygerman.com/2024/12/16/episode-188-auf-dem-bau/
You can also join my:
🗣️ Conversation Club, apply here: https://expertlygerman.com/group-classes/
📚 Free Weekly Newsletter: https://bit.ly/MYNWSLTR
📺 Free YouTube subscription: https://bit.ly/YTHME
My mission is to help people worldwide learn German and get to know the German culture.
About Learn German | Deutsch lernen | ExpertlyGerman Podcast
DE: Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen.
EN: Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. Learn German Naturally.
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