The Elements of Great Teaching – Dimension 4, Element 3
In this 15th episode of The Elements of Great Teaching podcast, Adam and I dive into Dimension 4: Activating hard thinking focusing on Element 3: Questioning from the Model for Great Teaching.
If we want students to learn deeply, we need to get them thinking hard. But how do we do that in practice? In this episode, we explore evidence-based approaches to fostering deep cognitive engagement in the classroom.
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The Elements of Great Teaching – Dimension 3, Element 3
In episode fourteen of The Elements of Great Teaching podcast, Adam and I discuss Dimension 3: Maximising opportunity to learn with a focus on Element 3: Preventing and responding to disruption from the Model for Great Teaching.
Disruption can derail learning, but great teachers handle it before it even starts. Learn how great teachers create an environment where disruptions are minimised—allowing every student to make the most of their learning time.
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The Elements of Great Teaching – Dimension 2, Element 2
In episode thirteen of The Elements of Great Teaching podcast, Adam and I explore Dimension 2: Creating a supportive environment with a focus on Element 2: Student-Student relationship from the Model for Great Teaching—an essential component of creating a supportive learning environment. This episode focuses on the relationships between students and how their interactions impact learning.
A supportive environment isn’t just about teacher-student relationships—it’s also about the connections students build with each other. This episode will help you create a classroom where students feel safe, valued, and ready to learn.
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The Elements of Great Teaching – Dimension 4, Element 6
In episode twelfth of The Elements of Great Teaching podcast, Adam Kohlbeck and I explore Dimension 4: Activating hard thinking focusing on Element 6: Activating from the Model for Great Teaching. This episode focuses on empowering students to become independent learners by enhancing their ability to plan, regulate, and monitor their own learning processes.
It is packed with practical strategies and thought-provoking insights into promoting student autonomy. Whether you’re looking to refine your teaching approach or spark meaningful classroom changes, this discussion will offer valuable takeaways.
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The Elements of Great Teaching – Dimension 1, Element 2
In Episode 11 of The Elements of Great Teaching podcast series, Adam Kohlbeck and I look into the essential role of Dimension 1: Understanding the content with a focus on Element 2: Pedagogical content knowledge from the Model for Great Teaching.
This episode focuses on understanding the curriculum you're teaching and how it's learned - exploring the sequencing of content and its subject-specific requirements.
We highlight why this element of great teaching is vital and offer clear, evidence-backed steps you can take to enhance your approach.
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