If you are struggling with your a reactive dog, you're in the right place.
The Reactive Dog Pod was created for dog guardians who are in over their head with t...
Improving Reactivity through Resilience, Decompression and Enrichment with Holly Chen
Tess talks to Holly Chen of Honourable Hound Dog Training about the roles that improved resilience, increased decompression and the right enrichment plan have in your reactivity training journey. You can find Holly at https://honourablehound.ca/ or on Instagram/Facebook @honourable_hound.
Group Training for Reactive Dogs
Tess talks to Sandy Wei, CDBC, DipCBST, CPDT-KA, FDM of Wei with Tails about group training for reactive dogs. We discuss parallel walks, reactive dog classes and how to reintroduce your dog to other dogs safely and effectively. You can find Sandy at weiwithtails.com or on Facebook/Instagram @weiwithtails Work with Tess: http://treatyourselfdogs.ca Follow on Instagram @treatyourselfdogs
Reactivity in Herding Dogs with Emily Priestley, CTC, CDBC
Tess talks to Emily Priestley, CTC, CDBC of Wild at Heart Dogs about one of her favourite topics - reactivity in herding dogs! We discuss why herding breeds can be more prone to reactivity, how we can help them, and other considerations about these wonderful dogs. You can find Emily at https://wildatheartdogs.com or on Facebook/Instagram @wildatheartdogs Want more information about Tess? Work with Tess: http://treatyourselfdogs.ca Follow Tess on Instagram @treatyourselfdogs Warning: one bark can be heard midway through the episode.
Reactive Dogs in the City
Tess talks to Nicole Barnett, CTC, CSAT and Amanda Factor, CTC about city life with a reactive dog. We dig into common issues for city dogs struggling with reactivity, tips and tricks for navigating walks, pros and cons of city living and more. You can find Nicole at weworkfortreats.com and on Instagram and Facebook @weworkfortreats You can find Amanda at benevolentbeasts.ca and on Instagram and Facebook @benevolentbeasts Want more information? Work with Tess: http://treatyourselfdogs.ca Follow Tess on Instagram @treatyourselfdogs
Reactive Dog? Talk to Your Vet with Dr. Christina Lucas
Tess talks to Dr. Christina Lucas, CPDT-KA of Be Well Dog Behaviour and Training about the connection between dog reactivity and medical issues, the role your veterinarian may play in treating your dog's reactivity, and ways in which to reduce stress when visiting the vet with your reactive dog. You can find Dr. Christina Lucas on Facebook and Instagram @bewelldogs You can find a muzzle training plan here. Want more information? Work with Tess: http://treatyourselfdogs.ca Follow Tess on Instagram @treatyourselfdogs
If you are struggling with your a reactive dog, you're in the right place.
The Reactive Dog Pod was created for dog guardians who are in over their head with their reactive dog, who have been working with their reactive dog for some time, and anyone else interested in learning more about how to help reactive dogs learn and thrive!
The Reactive Dog Pod was created and is hosted by Tess Morgan, a multicertified dog behaviour consultant at Treat Yourself Dog Training & Behaviour, who specializes in working with reactive dogs and their family.
Work with Tess: http://treatyourselfdogs.ca
Follow Tess on Instagram @treatyourselfdogs