Comedians Jake Lambert and George Lewis meet up for a chat and to share their anecdotes of the week. Two comedians with the world at their feet, what could poss...
This week Jake and George discuss their top 5 Christmas songs, and their top 5 Christmas films. They also discuss scooters and buying presents.
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Ep 49: A Brilliant Hanger
This week on SIFTP, George has been to see the big man, and Jake has been to visit his family. They also discuss Christmas presents, festive plans, and Jake struggles to remember an actor's name, the name of a tv show, and a lot more.
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Ep 48: Sitcom Dad
This week on SIFTP, George has been to a fancy restaurant, Jake has been to Canada, and the boys discuss what makes advent chocolate and easter chocolate taste so different.
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Ep 47: Satisfied People
This week on SIFTP Jake is in Canada so the boys have recorded a Q&A episode, answering listener questions on imagining audiences naked, their favourite cities to perform in, and more! Enjoy!
follow us: @jakelambertcomedy @georgelewiscom
email us: [email protected]
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Ep 46: What Is A Laurel?
This week on SIFTP George has some bad news from his hairdresser, and Jake's been back to Norway. They also discuss George's nightmare hotel booking, and Jake's busy schedule. Enjoy!
email us: [email protected]
follow us: @jakelambertcomedy @georgelewiscom
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Comedians Jake Lambert and George Lewis meet up for a chat and to share their anecdotes of the week. Two comedians with the world at their feet, what could possibly go wrong? Well...
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