Hosted by No5 Chambers and guests provide expert commentary on planning & environmental law; planning appeals; judicial review; local authorities; and the housi...
The Planning Podcast Ep 051 - New NPPF: The Key Changes
After months of anticipation, the new NPPF is finally here, heralding what the Deputy Prime Minister has called a “landmark overhaul” to “shake-up a broken planning system”. In this episode, Daniel Henderson is joined by Peter Goatley KC, Christian Hawley, and Sioned Davies to pick over some of the most important reforms, and assess their potential impact for developers and local authorities alike.
The Planning Podcast Ep 050 - Forestry Act and Planning Development: How not to get caught out
Felling trees is frequently an essential element of promoting a site, but the law around felling is complex, and changing fast. Proceeding with felling without understanding these complexities, whether in the early stages of preparing a site or in order to make way for the development itself, can result in serious enforcement consequences that have the potential to scupper a proposal altogether. In this episode, Scott Stemp, Daniel Henderson, and Jessica Allen discuss the law around felling licences, the complex network of exceptions, and some important recent caselaw on the interaction with planning permission, including a highly significant High Court judgment from earlier this year.
Ep 049 Planning enforcement- legislative and caselaw updates
Effective enforcement is key to ensuring a functional planning system, but the legal provisions can be complex. Recent statutory changes have modified long-standing rules around enforcement time limits and other key enforcement functions while, in May 2024, the Court of Appeal handed down judgment in the case of Caldwell, providing guidance on the application of the Murfitt principle. Anna Stein and Daniel Henderson discuss the various changes, and consider the impact that they will have on the field of planning enforcement.
The Planning Podcast Ep 048 - EIA and Green House Gases after Finch - a short, practical explainer
Finch is a Supreme Court judgment which has been long awaited. It deals with the effects of development which are ’downstream’. Many practitioners want to know how their schemes might, or might not, be affected by the need to assess green house gas emissions which arise within ’Scope 3’. With Odette Chalaby and Sioned Davies, The Planning Podcast scopes out some of impacts of the judgment.
The Planning Podcast Ep 047 - Green Belt Summit
You have seen the posts about the Green Belt Summit, but you want a bit more of the inside track on this event? Well, the Planning Podcast can help with this trailer. To secure a place, book here.> And here is the link to Fields in Trust.>
Hosted by No5 Chambers and guests provide expert commentary on planning & environmental law; planning appeals; judicial review; local authorities; and the housing and development issues facing England and Wales.