First Place
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 7th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We go straight to the Gospel of Mark 10:22:”But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.” You cannot bargain with God. You know, I looked up the dictionary - the definition of the word “bargain” is a cheap buy. It’s a giveaway; that’s what a bargain is. You cannot bargain with Jesus. You see, the rich young ruler did all the right things. Oh yes. He tithed, he went to church on Sundays, he was a good family man, but Jesus Christ was not first in his life.Now, the Lord is not particularly talking about money here today, gentlemen and ladies. No, He’s talking about anything in your life, anything in my life, that we put before Him, is not acceptable. Why? Because He died for you and for me. The least we can give Him is first place in our lives. Don’t you agree? You know, I’ve often wondered about the Lord standing there with the young man walking away. Where was he walking? He was on his way to hell. That’s right, and the tears must have been running down the face of the Saviour because He loves all men. He didn’t say, ”Listen, let’s strike a bargain. I tell you what. You give half of your goods away and we’ll negotiate the other half.” No, no, it was all or nothing, black or white. There’s no grey area in the Kingdom of God. You and I need to understand something very clearly today. If there is anything in our lives that is more important than Jesus Christ, then we have to surrender it.Do you remember that beautiful chorus? I’m going to try and sing it with you:Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness; And all these things shall be added unto you, Halleluja, Halleluja“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.Jesus doesn’t want to take your family away from you, sir. Jesus doesn’t want to take your career away from you, your expectations, not at all. In fact, He wants to give them to you and more, but now and again He’ll test you. “Do you really love me?”“ Yes Lord.”“ Well, give Me that thing.”“ But Lord…”“ Give it to Me.”You give it to Him and what does He do? He gives it back. He doesn’t need your money, He doesn’t need your ability, He’s got it all. He said one word and this whole universe came into being. Today, make Him first in your life, and you’ll be surprised by what happens. Jesus bless you and goodbye.