3. Why Your Content Isn’t Converting (and How to Fix It!)
In this episode, Ellie talks about why your content isn’t converting and how to fix it. So many business owners struggle with creating Instagram content that attracts, nurtures, and converts their audience effectively. Ellie talks about mistakes like not attracting fresh eyes, not building trust with your current audience and overlooking how important CTA (call-to-actions) are. Ellie talks through the ANC Framework (Attract, Nurture, Convert) as the key to attracting new followers, nurturing to build trust and relationships, and converting your audience into buyers. Ellie talks about how the key is aligning your messaging with your ideal client, addressing their pain points, and consistently posting with purpose, rather than random and sporadic. Key TakeawaysYour content needs to Attract, Nurture, and ConvertGood content should bring in new followers, build trust with your existing audience, and inspire action - if you’re missing any of these three you won’t be able to turn your audience into clients.Trust is the key to converting your followersGeneric or surface-level content may attract followers, but building trust is the key to position yourself as the solution to your audience’s problems and actually be able to drive sales, not just likes.Your messaging has to align to your ideal clientTo make sure your audience resonates with your content, it has to speak to their desires, frustrations and motivations. If your messaging is misaligned, or copied from others - it will never have the same impact. Balance your content so you grab people at all stages of the buyer’s journeyCreate a mix of attract, nurture, and convert content to capture cold, warm, and hot audiences, so you can create content your audience resonates with no matter where they are in your buyers journey. Reverse engineer your content strategyInstead of creating content you think will attract people into your offer, reverse engineer it and think about what their objections will be, then create content that addresses these before they even think about them.FREE RESOURCE - Content Into Ca$hThank you for listening to this episode of the CEO Haus Podcast! If you loved it, I’d love it even more if you hit the subscribe/follow button on your favourite podcast platform so you don’t miss an episode. If you can spare a few minutes to leave us a review, this helps us to get the podcast in the ears of those who need it! Finally, follow us on Instagram to stay updated on our latest episodes @itselliehudson @palmsocialsuk