Hearts Aflame, hosted by Dustin Benge and a ministry of Unashamed Truth, is a daily devotional podcast that draws from the rich writings of the Puritans. Each e...
In this episode, we explore the beauty and worth of Christ through the words of Thomas Watson’s “The Godly Man’s Picture” (1666). Watson portrays Christ as the joy of the saints, the wonder of angels, and the treasure of every believer's heart. Join us as we reflect on what it means to treasure Christ above all—finding in Him our ultimate satisfaction, delight, and love. Be encouraged and challenged by Watson’s depiction of Christ’s grace and the call to value Him above the fleeting treasures of this world. Is Christ truly precious to you?
The Hope of Eternal Rest
In this episode, we turn to “The Saints’ Everlasting Rest” (1650) by Richard Baxter. In this timeless work, Baxter reminds us of the joy, peace, and communion that awaits every believer in Christ—a rest free from sin, suffering, and sorrow. Discover how this glorious inheritance, purchased by Christ’s blood and resurrection, strengthens us in trials, draws us from the fleeting pleasures of this world, and fills our hearts with hope and joy.
Beholding the Glory of Christ
As we begin the New Year, join us in fixing our gaze on the radiant glory of Christ. In this inaugural episode of Hearts Aflame, we explore a timeless meditation from John Owen’s “The Glory of Christ” (1684), reflecting on the believer’s greatest privilege: beholding Christ's beauty, wisdom, and grace. Owen reminds us that Christ is the treasure of all divine truth, the radiance of the Father’s glory, and the joy of the believer’s soul.
Hearts Aflame Trailer
Join host Dustin Benge for Hearts Aflame, a new daily devotional podcast exploring the timeless wisdom and biblical meditations of the Puritans. Beginning January 1, 2025, each episode will feature reflections drawn from these rich works, paired with Scripture to ignite your heart with passion for Christ and deepen your communion with God. A ministry of Unashamed Truth, Hearts Aflame invites you to meditate on eternal truths that point us to the unchanging glory of our Savior. Subscribe now to ensure you don’t miss an episode!Visit the Unashamed Truth website by clicking here.
Hearts Aflame, hosted by Dustin Benge and a ministry of Unashamed Truth, is a daily devotional podcast that draws from the rich writings of the Puritans. Each episode pairs timeless truths with Scripture, encouraging believers to deepen their faith and set their hearts aflame with love for Christ.