In this podcast series from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, experts from the Tax Faculty discuss the biggest tax stories of the mon...
Maintaining high professional standards is essential, both for individual accountants and for the profession as a whole. This episode of The Tax Track looks at the importance of protecting your professional reputation and, importantly, what members can do to ensure they get things right in the first place.Tax is complicated – and constantly changing – so CPD is important, as well as being an integral part of your ICAEW membership. Meanwhile, Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation (PCRT), prepared jointly by seven professional bodies and associations (including ICAEW) and endorsed by HMRC, sets out the fundamental principles and standards for tax planning that all members, affiliates and students who practise in tax must follow.LinksWhat is Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation? Conduct in Relation to Taxation: a tax perspective on ethics Regulatory and Conduct Annual Report Wicks, Senior Technical Manager, Tax Policy, ICAEWSophie Wales, Director of Regulatory Policy, ICAEWKatherine Ford, Technical Manager, Business Taxation, ICAEWProducerEd AdamsEpisode first published: 11 February 2025Podcast recorded: 25 February 2025
R&D tax relief: where are we now?
In recent years we’ve seen changes to the rules, to processes and to HMRC’s approach to policing claims for research and development (R&D) tax relief. In this episode we map out the current landscape to help you navigate your way through it.In an attempt to clamp down on fraud, more R&D claims are being checked, but is this deterring genuine claims? We also look at a new HMRC facility to disclose errors made in claims – who can disclose, how to disclose and the points to consider in determining whether or not a claim is correct.LinksFollow the numbers: R&D tax relief is R&D for tax purposes? errors in claims for research and development tax relief R&D: what changes apply and from when? MPs briefed on HMRC’s R&D compliance approach project qualified for R&D tax relief PanelistsStephen Relf, Technical Manager, Tax, ICAEWRichard Jones, Senior Technical Manager, Business Taxation, ICAEWAngela Clegg, Technical Manager, Business Taxation, ICAEWProducerEd AdamsEpisode first published: 5 February 2025Podcast recorded: 28 January 2025
Time to prepare for MTD and BIK
Two significant changes will take place from April 2026: Making Tax Digital for Income Tax (MTD IT) and mandatory payrolling of benefits in kind. While April 2026 is over a year away, these changes will require a lot of planning including how workflows and information flows will need to change. MTD IT will require many individuals to keep digital records and send quarterly updates to HMRC, while mandatory payrolling of benefits in kind will see the end of the form P11D process for many employers. In this episode we look at what taxpayers and their agents can do in the coming months to prepare.LinksGovernment and developers commit to MTD ITSA from 2026 what you should do now Making Tax Digital and cons of payrolling benefits How to prepare for mandatory payrolling of benefits in kind Benefits and Expenses webinar is Making Tax Digital for income tax? Relf, Technical Manager, Tax, ICAEWCaroline Miskin, Senior Technical Manager, Digital Taxation, ICAEWAdelle Greenwood, Technical Manager, Employment Taxes and National Insurance Contributions, ICAEWProducer Ed AdamsEpisode first published: 7 January 2025Podcast recorded: 17 December 2024
A year of two halves
Bookended by a Conservative Budget in the spring and a Labour Budget in the autumn, 2024 was a busy year in politics and in tax. In this episode of The Tax Track, we reflect on key measures from the recent Budget and consider areas that kept us busy during 2024 and will do again in 2025, including regulation of tax agents and HMRC service levels.LinksAutumn Budget 2024 regulation: change must be in the public interest MTD income tax self assessment on hold Relf, Technical Manager, Tax, ICAEWLindsey Wicks, Senior Technical Manager for Tax Policy, ICAEWFrank Haskew, Head of Taxation Strategy, ICAEWProducer Ed AdamsEpisode first published: 2 December 2024Podcast recorded: 19 November 2024
How to fix VAT
In this episode we’ll be talking about the problems with VAT and why ICAEW is launching a new campaign, How to Fix VAT.Introduced in the UK some 50 years ago, VAT is now the UK’s third largest source of tax revenue, behind income tax and national insurance contributions. But, it can be costly and complicated to comply with, and that’s despite previous efforts at simplification.LinksThe complicated and costly world of VAT The ups and downs of the VAT registration threshold Progressive VAT: is now the time? Relf, Technical Manager, Tax, ICAEWEd Saltmarsh, Technical Manager, VAT and customs, ICAEWRuth Corkin, Principal, VAT and Indirect Tax Advisory, Hillier HopkinsProducerEd AdamsEpisode first published: 29 October 2024Podcast recorded: 22 October 2024
In this podcast series from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, experts from the Tax Faculty discuss the biggest tax stories of the month, with advice for professionals in the sector to keep their knowledge and skills sharp.