This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depressio...
Authentic Intimacy: Restoring God’s Original Design for Intimacy in Your Life & Relationships with Pastor, Speaker, & Author, Joshua Broome, Ep. 212
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we figured it would be a perfect time to drop in a much needed conversation on the topic of intimacy. In a world and culture that has sexualized the word intimacy, today’s conversation gets back to the basics of God’s original intent and design for intimacy. We also spend time peeling back the layers of intimacy such as physical, emotional, & spiritual intimacy as well. Joining us to do just that is a man who has one of the most impactful testimonies you will ever hear, Joshua Broome. If you’re not familiar with Josh’s story, it’s a testiment of the love, grace, and faithfulness of our God, where a former adult film star embarked on a life-changing journey to fill the void in his heart. Despite fame and success, he found emptiness. Battling depression and thoughts of self harm, Josh discovered the transformative power of Jesus. Now, he shares his story of redemption on podcasts, TV shows, and stages, spreading God's message of restoration all over the world. With a BS in Christian Ministries, our guest and his wife Hope have been married for seven years, raising their four sons in Dallas, Texas. His message is centered on the fact that no matter what you have done or what has happened to you the love of Jesus Christ stands ready to change your future. Whether you’re preparing for or repairing the relationship God has called you to, today’s conversation is a must hear as it’s filled with practical tips and strategies to recenter your heart on what matters most. Remember, love is not something you become better at, love is someone you become more like. We hope and pray that this conversation would not only impact you, but also those you love. Josh’s Website: Josh’s Book: Struggling with Pornography? Join Zach & Josh today to Receive 8 FREE Videos in their P51 Project: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Salt & Light: Developing a Lifestyle of Faithfulness with Team Chaplain & Life Coach of the Baltimore Ravens, Johnny Shelton, Ep. 211
With Super Bowl weekend right around the corner, we wanted to bless all you NFL fans with an incredible guest who not only understands the ins and outs of what it takes to get to and to play in the NFL, but also a man who now gets to shepherd and steward the spiritual growth and development of many NFL players. Our guest today is Johnny Shelton! Johnny is a husband, father, minister, sports chaplain, and life coach with an extraordinary desire to encourage and challenge the hearts of God’s people! He has served in various ministry roles throughout his career including the team chaplain at Elon University, the chaplain of the Virginia Tech Football Team, and now serving as the Team Chaplain and Life Coach of the Baltimore Ravens since 2013! This is a man who understands the process of spiritual growth and development and the significance of fellowship and discipleship in our journey throughout this life. Listen in to this compelling conversation that will challenge and encourage you in your pursuit of more fully knowing God and making His name known! Johnny’s Website: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Spiritual Formation & Friendship: The Need for Holistic Discipleship & Finding Community that Pushes You Toward Holiness rather than Happiness with Lead Pastor of Bloom Church, Colby Maier, Ep. 210
Many theologians would argue that more than often Christians in the West are immature, meaning that our walk doesn’t always match our talk. Some would even go as far as arguing that the average North American Christian is about 3,000 Bible verses overweight, because the way many leaders approach maturity is to assume that knowledge produces it. But since when? Yes, it’s wonderful that people understand what they believe, but knowledge in and of itself is not a hallmark of Christian maturity. As Paul says, knowledge puffs up. Love, by contrast, builds up. And some of the most Biblically literate people in Jesus’ day were passed over when Jesus was selecting his disciples. You see, the goal is not to know, but to do something with what you know. Today, we are going to take a deep dive the process of spiritual formation and holistic discipleship by answering questions such as, “Does our popular understanding of discipleship produce some of the unhealthiness, stagnation, and decline we see all around us in the church?” and “What if you could do something about it by rethinking what you mean by discipleship in the first place?” Joining us today to for a very rich discussion around these matters is the Lead Pastor of Bloom Church in Portland, Oregon - Colby Maier! Colby is a man who seeks to help people discover who God created them to be as he believes God created each person with a unique potential to make a profound impact on their world, and to leave lasting change that will influence generations to come. Each day is filled with meaning when you know who you are, why you’re here, and where you’re going. We hope and pray that through today’s conversation you would truly discover who God created you to be so that you too can activate your faith and bring positive and lasting change to this world. Colby’s Website: Bloom Church’s Website: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Choose Your Hard: Lessons on Resilience & Mental Toughness from a Renowned Marine, Chad Robichaux, Ep. 209
As we keep charging into the New Year where many of us have big dreams, goals, and resolutions for 2025, it is important that we are also reminded that anything worth value in this life will come at a cost. Today, we’re joined by someone who understands the ultimate cost - someone who understands sacrifice, discipline, and mental toughness and who can help turn your commitments into consistency. Joining us today is Chad Robichaux. Chad is a highly decorated former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense Contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading non-profit, serving the active duty, military veteran, and first responder communities around the world with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs. During our conversation today, Chad will discuss and unpack the topics of discipline, mental toughness, accountability, and the four pillars that he believes comprise true resilience in everyone’s life. Don’t miss this incredibly life-giving conversation! Chad Robichaux’s website: Mighty Oaks Foundation website: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Becoming Your Best Self: Habits to Develop Mental Toughness and Brain Health in 2025 with America’s Most Popular Psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen, Ep. 208
Dr. Daniel Amen, groundbreaking physician, psychiatrist and clinic director, has helped people for decades achieve mental wellness by teaching them how to make better choices with their diet and lifestyle in order to be more in tune with their brain's health and function. The founder of Amen Clinics and BrainMD, Dr. Amen shares with Zach Clinton the steps anyone can take to optimize mental acuity and better brain health. Dr. Amen’s clinical expertise provides hope to those struggling mentally, and even helps parents in the midst of raising kids whose brains are still developing. He presents practical challenges that can launch you on the road to better metal health and resiliency, exclusively in today’s conversation. Amen University: Amen Clinics: Pick up Dr. Amen’s Book, Raising Mentally Strong Kids: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
About The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton
This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!
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