A Verified Near Death Experience
In Verified Near Death Experiences: Proof Of An Afterlife, there are thirty individual profound near-death experiences, each one coupled with startling, irrefutable moments of verification that challenge our understanding of life, death, and the afterlife. These are not just personal accounts of journeys into the unknown – they are stories backed by verifiable facts that couldn’t have been known in any ordinary way.From detailed descriptions of events that occurred while the experiencers were clinically dead, to vivid insights about loved ones and places they had never visited, these stories raise fundamental questions about consciousness and the boundaries of human perception. Each chapter reveals how these individuals experienced moments of divine connection, profound insight, and mystical encounters, all while providing irrefutable evidence that supports the authenticity of their experiences.A compelling exploration of the veridical nature of near-death experiences, this book offers a powerful testament to the possibility that death is not the end, but perhaps only a doorway to a deeper truth. Prepare to question everything you thought you knew about life and the afterlife as you delve into the extraordinary and sometimes inexplicable world of near-death experiences.Are we more than our bodies? Is death truly the end? And, if so, what comes next?'Verified Near Death Experiences: Proof Of An Afterlife' will leave you with more questions than answers—but it will forever change the way you view life, death, and what lies beyond."The narrative is well-written, detailed, and conveys the essence of my Near-Death Experience beautifully."Ingrid Honkala"Focuses entirely on verified experiences—those where the details can be confirmed by real-world evidence. That’s what makes this book so important."BioSimon Bown is the host of two podcasts, a clinical hypnotherapist, and an author specializing in topics related to consciousness, reincarnation, and the afterlife.He has produced over 800 podcast episodes, engaging with leading experts and scholars in the fields of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), reincarnation, and the continuation of consciousness. His podcasts, The Alien UFO Podcast and Our Paranormal Afterlife, have collectively garnered over 6,000,000 downloads, with Our Paranormal Afterlife reaching No.1 on the UK Apple Podcasts spirituality chart.Simon holds a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy. He has conducted hundreds of past life regression sessions, specializing in guiding individuals through these therapeutic processes.His research is informed by personal experiences with paranormal phenomena, including psychic flashes, UFO sightings, and other unexplained occurrences. These experiences have contributed to his academic interest in the nature of consciousness and its potential existence beyond the physical body.In addition to his work in podcasting and hypnotherapy, Simon is an avid bass guitarist and science fiction writer.https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXKRGDFP
https://www.pastliveshypnosis.co.uk/https://www.patreon.com/ourparanormalafterlifeMy book 'Verified Near Death Experiences' https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXKRGDFP