EP 025: Part 2: Successful And Effective Leaders Value Change Management | With real examples
EP 025: Successful And Effective Leaders Value Change Management | With real examples
Scope of Episode
Sharing the names of the Effective and Successful Leaders
that I have worked with, have been Change Sponsor, have embraced and made change management core to the change initiative at hand.
They valued the success that Change Management through out the project lifecycle enabling ease of adoption to the change initiative but keeping ongoing support and buy-in from the impacted stakeholder.
I share real examples of how these leaders collaborated with me as a change practitioner to implement the change initiative successfully with minimal change resistance from the impacted stakeholders.
Credit to:
· James Lenton
· Michael (Mike) Heap
· Samuel Stephens
· Matthias Grass
· Andreas (Andy) Burkler
· Valentin Alvarez
· Salvatore (Sal) Spataro
The podcast is also available on
· Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI?si=657730af5c894eab
· Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ChangeManagementSimplified
· Apple Podcasts: Change Management Simplified
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