I'm Soumaya, a personal development coach who helps muslim women learn how to love themselves and start a successful coaching business. In this podcast, I share...
Forget about becoming the best version of yourself for a bit
Salaam beautiful, thank you for watching this video! Don't forget to subscribe and comment what topics you want me to cover next.Are you an aspiring life coach? Apply to join TTC, a programme that will teach you everything you need to know to coach powerfully and create a thriving coaching business: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/hA74L3iYVideo mentioned: The Book of Repentance - Iḥyāʾ ʿUlūm al-Dīn - Imām Abū Ḥāmid ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56B9q5rj3OsAre you a coach looking to get more clients and needing support? Apply to join the Mastermind, a group coaching program that will help you generate more income from your coaching business: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/B9svQM4VFREE Ultimate Muslim Entrepreneur Reading List: https://beautiful-fire-411.myflodesk.com/rflmwjfd0cGet coached for free by our trainees: https://forms.gle/Ucbvqzr5RnqEKJJ37Get closer to Allah with the Visionaires program: https://checkout.discoveru.online/referral/visrmd25/99caID96mTX9xYx9?el=soumaya
Salaam beautiful, thank you for watching this video! Don't forget to subscribe and comment what topics you want me to cover next.Are you an aspiring life coach? Apply to join TTC, a programme that will teach you everything you need to know to coach powerfully and create a thriving coaching business: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/hA74L3iYAre you a coach looking to get more clients and needing support? Apply to join the Mastermind, a group coaching program that will help you generate more income from your coaching business: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/B9svQM4VSubmit your video to be posted on our channel: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/FB23a49ZFREE Ultimate Muslim Entrepreneur Reading List: https://beautiful-fire-411.myflodesk.com/rflmwjfd0cWant to know more about what we do, check it out here: https://thehealedsister.com/
How To Stop Sabotaging Yourself
Salaam beautiful, thank you for watching this video! Don't forget to subscribe and comment what topics you want me to cover next.Are you an aspiring life coach? Apply to join TTC, a programme that will teach you everything you need to know to coach powerfully and create a thriving coaching business: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/hA74L3iYAre you a coach looking to get more clients and needing support? Apply to join the Mastermind, a group coaching program that will help you generate more income from your coaching business: https://forms.gle/tDrikmokeqKSgMQcAFREE Ultimate Muslim Entrepreneur Reading List: https://beautiful-fire-411.myflodesk.com/rflmwjfd0c
6 Steps to Quit Your 9 to 5 and Become a Life Coach
Salaam beautiful, thank you for watching this video! Don't forget to subscribe and comment what topics you want me to cover next.Apply for The Thriving Coach - Certified Training for aspiring muslim life coaches: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/hA74L3iYAre you a coach looking to get more clients and needing support? Apply to join the Mastermind, a group coaching program that will help you generate more income from your coaching business: https://forms.gle/tDrikmokeqKSgMQcAFREE Ultimate Muslim Entrepreneur Reading List: https://beautiful-fire-411.myflodesk.com/rflmwjfd0c
Prepare for Ramadan With Me
Salaam habiba, I pray you're well. In this video we're reflecting on past Ramadans and preparing for the upcoming one. Everything mentioned in the video:Apply for The Thriving Coach - Certified Training for aspiring muslim life coaches - EARLY BIRD ENDS 28th FEB: https://5ykrhdkxfi4.typeform.com/to/hA74L3iYDM me if you're in the UK and want a free Thermomix demo: https://www.instagram.com/thehealedsister/Participate in Visionaire: https://www.visionaireramadan.com/destiny?sc_ref=99caID96mTX9xYx9&sc_vis=h8xuFb4BVEAsKAtT6DZl8u27W4XzqI&el=soumayaA year of Knowledge Program: https://www.jannahinstitute.org/YOKAre you a coach looking to get more clients and needing support? Apply to join the Mastermind, a group coaching program that will help you generate more income from your coaching business: https://forms.gle/tDrikmokeqKSgMQcAFREE Ultimate Muslim Entrepreneur Reading List: https://beautiful-fire-411.myflodesk.com/rflmwjfd0c
I'm Soumaya, a personal development coach who helps muslim women learn how to love themselves and start a successful coaching business. In this podcast, I share some of the tools that have helped me and my clients improve the quality of our lives and find inner peace.